
Friday, March 14, 2014

BENNETT WAS BORN! (seven months ago)

I will provide no excuses for the 8 month hiatus from the blog. Seriously though, after 35 weeks you guys did NOT want to hear what I had to say about pregnancy. I looked like this on my due date.... 'nuf said.

Baby C decided to wait us out and come the day before the dreaded induction date. He came 5 days late on July 28th, 2013 at 5:34 PM, weighing in at 9 lbs 8 oz.

I won't be sharing Bennett's birth story here, I wrote down my thoughts, feelings and most of the events (as much as I could remember in the sleepless days that followed) and will tuck it in his baby book. That day forever changed my life, as birthing babies usually does, and I'm forever grateful to my Heavenly Father for giving me the opportunity to go through that process. Also - big fist bump to my 'labor and delivery coach' AKA my husband who literally told me when and how to breathe for 12 hours. BOOM.

Bennett is now 7 months old (well actually, 7 and a half) and I could write for DAYS on how wonderful and funny and sweet he is. I'll keep it short and sweet in this 'catch up' post, though, and just tell you that I'm astounded every day that my body, with a little help from the big man upstairs, created him. That he has grown each and every day and become something new, but at the same time still the same little boy that I snuggled so close when he was new. Everyone that meets him gushes about how good-natured he is, and he truly is a happy baby. He smiles and bounces up and down when he's excited. He loves Bear more than anything else. Well actually, its probably tied with food. In new situations he is quiet, though, and he just drinks in his surroundings. Most say he looks like me, and I would have to agree, but he has his father's eyes.

Suffice it to say, the last 7 and a half months have been the best of our lives.

I plan on trying to update the blog a bit more, mostly as a journal for our family, to remember a bit more than what gets posted on IG or FB. Thanks for reading! :)